Wednesday 1 February 2012

Ice Skating~

A fortnight ago, my friends and I went to Queens Ice Rink, London, for ice skating activities. It was my second time as I have once before skated in Sunway Pyramid Ice, Malaysia, and it was an unforgettable experience that left scars deep down in my heart. 

At first I was reluctant to go for ice skating because of my past experience with it, which I will explain more later on. To be honest, my past experience was not the major factor I was reluctant to go for skating, but, it was merely because I was playing online game at that moment and I was lazy to go out on a cloudy Sunday morning! I am sure most of us spent their Sunday morning by sleeping under a warm cozy duvet with their heater turned on, right? Maybe not. Forget about it.

Back to the story, after being persuaded by one of my friend who agreed to pay for the entrance fee and rent for the skate, I have finally agreed and followed all of them to the ice skating place. His determination and kindness have somehow melted my heart and I was affected by it. Such a wonderful friend to have and hopefully, I could repay your kindness in the future. InsyaAllah. Thank you brother!

A friend in need is a friend indeed~
The ice rink has state of the art colour change lighting with special effect light shows. There were so many people skating including children below the age of seven, which I found very rare to see if it were to be in Malaysia. These children used a 'penguin' which act as a balance aid and reduces the risk of falling. No wonder they were very good at skating when they were at my age, as they learnt how to skate since they were young! 

Cute Penguins!
In contrast, I started skating at the age of nineteen, and it was an unforgettable and embarrassing experience. As it was my first time skating, the amount of falling was so much that it was countless. It was so tragic that I fall for seven times, repeatedly. As soon as I stood up, I fall again. Not even a step, I fall again. I kept falling after falling. Even my jeans became wet due to so many falls.

It seems to be true for a newbie who are new to skating, doesn't it? Yes, it is true. However, I couldn't accept the fact that I can't even skate while others can. Such feeling demotivated me and I felt that I should never do this kind of sport ever again. One time is enough. But, that is not the truly type of person I am. I couldn't give up easily without trying very hard and I hate it when I lost to someone.

Such experiences hunted me when I am going to skate for the second time, here in London. There was one thought that came to my mind that afternoon, which was to rent a 'penguin' which the children used as their balance aid. By doing so, I would not fall down and embarrassed my self again, like last time. However, dignity and ego swept those thoughts away. With brave and confidence, I skate all the way through the crowded people on the ice rink. Unfortunately, without any knowledge on skating, I fall and wet my pants. History repeats itself. 

I saw my friends have a wonderful time together and had so much fun skating. Deep in my heart, I want to have a perfect life like them. From that moment onwards, I knew that I should learn how to skate if I don't want to be a loser who wet his pants again. I stood up and continue to skate. 

After a few hours of learning how to skate from my friends, I have finally mastered the basics to skating. Moreover, I have managed to even lift one of my legs while skating. I was so happy and proud. Finally, I could skate like other people! Yay! :)

One leg yeah~ :)
Life has thought me to never give up. Keep on trying and you will achieve what you have worked for. I know it was hard. But, when you were used to it, it felt easier.

The past should be left in the past, otherwise it can destroy your future. Live life for what tomorrow has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away. 

Skate and fall with style~

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